Geotec Database Management Operations
Centralize your data
With Geotec, you benefit from a standardized database structure based on geotechnical hierarchy. The tables, fields and relationships are predefined when creating a new database through DBM. DBM allows you to centralize your data in a single location and to share information efficiently to your team, to collaborators and to clients.
A license of DBM is always included with any purchase or subscription.
- No table and field definition necessary
- Incorporate Geotab field data into your corporate database
- Incorporate Geotec data provided by outside collaborators
- Supply data to clients
- Transfer data between MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle and SQLite
- Import gINT files into Geotec (under development)
Large-scale tasks
DBM has different tasks available for global data management. Whether you want to duplicate an entire project, delete erroneous projects, do an inventory of the database to track the amount of information over time, DBM has the task for you.
- Duplicate an entire project or borehole and its associated data for translation into another language, for different analysis specific to geotechnical or environmental engineering, or simply for quicker data entry
- Delete an entire project or borehole and its associated data – a backup is automatically generated
- Ensure continued access to all new fields and tables via the database update